
Before i have told you about the good commenting to do to your blog, interested visitors that actually will read some of your blog, links back and even comments back most of the time. I do not believe that this applies to spam, I wonder how I even get this many spam comments as it is, I got more spam comments than visitors to my blog, probably it’s some sort of evil spam bot that should never have been made in the first place, that tries to place links on unprotected blogs, with no concern of what those links (often to adult sites and at the very least almost never has anything to do with the blog at all) I wonder what kind of people put the ruthless spam bot to work to spread links that probably would not help at all, and I wonder what motivates them to try something like spamming out their links.

Maybe they think that it will somehow bring them a mass of interested visitors and make their businesses or sites succesful, earning them money, sounds like something someone unknowing would do. Thinking that there is something out there that will help them like that without them doing anything special. Well, I will advise anyone who think they can achieve anything by spamming to take a second, read a few lines on the blog you are viewing, (or on any blog instead of using a spam bot, you can search a blog search engine for topics that has something to do with your own) and then post a comment related to the actual post with your name/alias and the url to your site (almost any commenting service will offer you to do that seperately from the actual post.)

Afterthought: I wonder what the automatic generated related posts system is up to, apparently my post is related to this: “Gemma Arterton Steamy Scene with James Bond” uhhh, how?


  1. Gigi said,

    July 28, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    I couldn’t agree more. I get at least 20 spam comments on my blog a day. Luckily wordpress does a good job of blocking them. It’s still kinda disappointing.

  2. K. Jayne Cockrill said,

    July 28, 2008 at 7:03 pm

    Wow, I’m glad I happened onto your site. I am a newbie blogger, and I don’t think I’ve gotten spammed yet (too new to be recognized probably), but I will be on the lookout.

    I like your site. Nice job.


  3. July 28, 2008 at 11:40 pm

    I shutdown the comments function on my blog for a short while because the spam was just annoying and then, of course, Blogger started to have problems with their commenting system. I felt it just not worth the frustration at times. I wiped out all the comments but a couple for testing and moved over to another service for commenting. So far, not one spam comment received. Now, I just need my few readers to start commenting again 😉

    I really like your design and enjoyed the few posts I have read. Keep it up 😉

  4. July 29, 2008 at 12:55 am

    I don’t receive many spam comments on my blogs and I hope that trend continues. I like your design too! I came across your blog trough blog explosion and the template design caught my eye.

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